Frederick County Maryland Deed Index 1748-1803

Frederick County Maryland Deed Index is a listing of names covering the period of 1748-1803. Placing the surnames in alphabetical order will bring into view family relation groupings along with the date range for ease of use. A list of Liber/Book numbers is provided showing the date range of the various books. Listings showing a number only are found in Liber WR series books which covers the time period of 1778-1803. No deed page numbers are listed due to
the excessive size the large number of entries would create.

Note: Refer to Frederick County Land Records Abstracts to locate names missed in the Frederick County Deed Index 

Frederick County Maryland Deed Index 1748-1803

Frederick County Land Record Abstracts (New Volumes 1778-1792)

Frederick County Land Record Abstracts 1748-1778